Book In For A Laser Treatment
Laser Tattoo Removal Service

So, you thought it’d last forever (tut, tut), and you went ahead and inked their name onto your skin. We get it.
Don’t worry though guys, we’ve got you covered! Sometimes people make mistakes, that’s why pens have erasers. Tattooing should be no different- that’s why we’ve gone ahead and got a state of the art Tattoo Laser Removal machine, Q-Switched Nd:YAG, into our premises at No.14 Wellington Quay. Furthermore, we went and got the best guy out their to do the job and sent him on a whole host of courses to ensure that he’s up to date on the latest techniques that will get rid of those pesky names and dates.
Each laser session ranges from 60 to 160 euros depending on the size and colour of the tattoo you’d like removed. Best price in the business. Whatever your choice may be, rest assured that we’ve got the technical ability to greatly reduce and remove your past mistakes. Simply pop in for a free consultation or call us on (01) 6708641 to see what we can do for you.
Similar to getting a tattoo, we recommend that you eat, sleep and drink water before your appointment. If you have a razor handy, shave the area you are looking to get laser the day BEFORE. If you forget, that’s okay.
It all depends on the size of the tattoo you are looking to get lasered. A tiny love heart on the wrist, for example, will only take 2 ish minutes. A medium sized tattoo, 5-10 minutes. A full back, chest piece, 15+ minutes. Whatever it is, it’s a lot less than actually getting the tattoo done in the first place.
It is recommended that you wait 6 to 8 weeks in between sessions or if you are looking to cover it up with another tattoo.
The light beam from the laser machine breaks down the tattoo ink into small particles, which get absorbed into your bloodstream. Then it gets passed through your body through things like your wee and sweat, each time removing more ink. As soon as the tattoo has been lasered, it will look like the tattoo is gone and there will be white dots over it, where the laser has hit it. This lasts about 10 to 15 minutes and the tattoo will gradually come back with some of the ink permanently faded
No, and you can’t go to Ibiza either. We recommend no long periods of time submerged in water, so no baths, swimming, saunas or steam rooms. On top of that, don’t have the area exposed to direct sunlight, so no beds and no poolside tanning. This lasts for the 6 to 8 weeks healing time.
Black and red ink are fully removable. Other colours will have to be tested at the first laser appointment and reviewed at the second laser appointment, to see if they can be full removed or just faded down.
It really all depends on the tattoo, how long you’ve had it, the size, the style and if it’s in colour. If you are looking to fully remove it, it can take approximately 8 to 18 sessions. If you are looking to fade it down and have one of our amazing artists cover it up, it can take approximately 2 to 6 sessions.
Again, it all depends on the tattoo. The minimum charge is €60.A quote will be given to you at your consultation and will remain the same at every appointment.
Check the chart below to get an approximation of price.