Join us on the 19th of October and help us raise funds for the JC Foundation

From 11am until 7pm – walk-ins welcome, booking recommended

This year, the JC Foundation ( is raising funds for
the Canal Communities Regional Addiction Service (RCN 20200847)

*All the donations received from previous fundraising days as well as this year’s will cover the cost of employing a part-time Well-being Support Worker to work with young people who are struggling with mental health & substance use problems. This is a joint initiative involving the 3 youth projects in the Canal Communities area of Dublin: Bluebell Youth Project, Core Youth Project (Inchicore) and Rialto Youth Project.

With a background in mental health, youth, and community addiction work, the worker will engage one-to-one with each young person to help them identify the causes of their difficulties and develop better skills to cope with them. They will also run education & prevention courses with groups of young people, aiming to prevent and reduce harm due to mental health issues & substance use.

The organisations provide educational, recreational & social activities for young people, aiming to build up close supportive relationships which can help them to feel safe, valued and happy.


If you’d like to make a direct donation to the CCRAS:

Bank Details of Canal Communities Regional Addiction Service clg
Company Address c/o Oblate Hall, Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Bank Name and Branch Allied Irish Bank, 219 Crumlin Road, Dublin 12
Sort Code 93-10-20
Account Number 10042002
BIC AIBKIE2D IBAN IE80 AIBK 9310 2010 0420 02